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Download Sygic APK

Saturday, 16 August 2014

For Android and iPhone

As you know already, atleast we hope you know Sygic is available to two most popular mobile OS/ platforms: Android and iPhone (or iOS). With this kind of availability everyone can use Sygic app on their phone, even your whole family, doesn't matter if you have iPhone or Android cause when you go on trip all 5 of you or more can use the navigation system just in case.


We added a whole picture of the app in use on Samsung Galaxy, actually the picture is taken on the road and the apk was downloaded from this website without any problems of any sort. If you were wondering how many people use Sygic it's actually amazing figure for a unknown company at the time the application went out to the public. The actual figure is more than 50 000 000 which we find astonishing achievement.

The best feature and probably the most popular is the offline use of this navigation system, so when you take that into consideration it's not really unusual it has so big user base number, nearing almost Google+ numbers when you look at active users.